About TATA :-

More than a century ago, the Visionary Founder of TATA Steel, Sir Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata,was much Impressedhwen he saw in America,Europe and Japan the prosperity that was created by the application of science to industry.He therefore instilled in the fledgling Tata Steel the Scientific Approaches to test and Charasterise raw materials and Products.

By 1937 his vision took grand shape by the establishment of the Research & Control Building taht today still houses these functions, Presently called R&D, Scientific Services and Refractory Technology Group.

The new Division in Tata Steel Also Meant the Very Start of Industrial R&D in all of India. It is a tell-tale Sign of the Vision and Enlightnment of the House of Tata to Set up Such a 'western ' Cincept in the Remote townshio of Sakchi.

During the years the Division has enolved and grown to meet the needs of the Company.while Initially the Focus was Process development imposed on the company by the second world war. process Innovation was earlier limited to making the best of local raw materials,But in the 1960s and 70s it started branching out into new process technologies to help complete with the fast growing public sector steel industry.

The Economic Liberalisation of the `1980s and 90s opened india to global competition.this spurred Demand for more varities of steel and R&D turned its attention to product development to meet the demand from sector like automobile,Construction and engineered products.

Since 2000 the global Growth in the Steel Industry has esclated the market Price of Rw material like ore and coal.this has forced R&D's attention to process innovations to make use llow cost raw materials and increase energy efficiency. Growing  awareness on environmental issues and global warming is also driving R&D to took at reducing our environmental footprints

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